Saturday, October 5, 2024

Improve your running program

Before you read this article, let’s set the record straight and say that running hasn’t always been my passion. In fact, I spent a lot of time trying to avoid it. After leaving the family farm to go to college and then take a desk job, let’s just say I needed to find a way to exercise, and running was the cheapest and most accessible option for me. Now it still took a solid year of hating the sport and slowly working on building my stamina to find love for it.

Today I go crazy if I miss a run, so the routine definitely stuck with me. I don’t break any American records, but with each day and each training cycle I see improvement in myself, which motivates me to work harder.

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I started running VERY miniature distances, I’m talking about a quarter or half a mile before taking a break to walk. This eventually led to me running my first 5K, and then of course I had to push the limits and run a 10K. These races were fun and challenged me to go further than I ever had before, but as most runners will tell you, you get addicted and have to keep going. This, of course, led me to run a half marathon.

Nutrition is always critical in building a well body and lifestyle, but when I started training for a half marathon, I realized I needed to improve my nutrition plan (pun intended). I started tracking my macros using the MyFitnessPal app to see where I was falling miniature on an average day. Even though I eat meat at almost every meal, I found that I still wasn’t getting enough protein. Learning more about beef via Wisconsin Beef CouncilI gained much more, including a deeper understanding of nutrition and the role of beef in a runner’s diet.

Did you know that only three ounces of beef contain 25 grams protein? That’s half your daily value in just three ounces! I learned that protein is not only critical for building muscle, but it also helps us feel full longer after a meal. I always assumed I was very hungry because I was running a lot, which is a bit of a stretch when you compare my program to elite athletes. Now that I better understand how to create a balanced meal, I’ve found that I snack less and generally just feel better after meals.

If you’re like me and looking for quick and simple high-protein recipes, you’re in luck because the Wisconsin Beef Council has a great selection on their website. You can even challenge yourself to find other ways to add more protein to your beef, like replacing rice with quinoa or trying protein pasta. Breakfast is the meal I eat and still struggle with the most. But there are even great recipe options to start the day well.

Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or just starting out, lean protein and a balanced diet will assist you feel your best and assist you ignore the family-sized bag of potato chips in a moment of snacking weakness.

As we celebrate Beef Month in May, I challenge you to start tracking your macros. There are many apps and programs that do this for free, including MyFitnessPal. Don’t let perfection get in the way of progress, just figure out where you are. Then find a way to incorporate lean protein to up your nutrition game!

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