Tuesday, March 4, 2025

A Compact Interview with Mark Norquist of Modern Carnivore

New outdoor enthusiasts.

It’s exactly what Minnesotan Mark Norquist wanted when he founded Modern Carnivore more than a decade ago. And not just the ever-popular social media stuff. Something much deeper. Something much more profound.

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“There’s always an opportunity to reach a wider audience,” said Norquist, 52, founder and editor-in-chief The Modern Carnivorea blog and guide to outdoor activities for adults on set, such as hunting, fishing, and gathering, and their connection to real, wild food. “You can look at a few thousand of our social media followers and say that sounds like a lot, but it’s much smaller than many other groups or public figures. We focus most on the depth of engagement rate. I’d rather have 1,000 fully engaged people than 100,000 ‘followers’ every day.”

Outdoor News I recently caught up with Norquist to talk nature, wild foods, and, ultimately, “awakening the hunter within us.”

News from the outdoor world: You have over 20 years of experience in marketing/media and a lifelong love of the outdoors. But what inspired you to start Modern Carnivore?

Norquist: I worked for many years for immense companies, helping them sell products better, such as cars or credit cards. It became tedious and I wanted to focus my skills on something more meaningful. In my private life, I was a lifelong hunter and fisherman and had a real passion for the outdoors.

The steady decline in hunting participation had been ongoing for many years, and I was concerned about that. If this trend continued, it could have a negative impact on conservation. I also wondered if broader public support for hunting was being threatened. With consumer preferences for organic ingredients and “clean eating,” I saw an opportunity. I created Modern Carnivore to introduce a novel generation to hunting, but through a slightly different lens, one of the amazing foods gathered in the wild.

ON: You founded Modern Carnivore 12 years ago. Back when it was just starting out, what did you want Modern Carnivore to be?

Norquist: It never ceases to amaze me how many barriers exist for someone who didn’t grow up hunting or fishing and now wants to start as an adult. The mission was – and is – to break down those barriers and welcome people into the outdoor community.

The original goal was to tell stories, share recipes, and provide support for anyone curious about foraging wild foods. It started with a blog and educational workshops. Then we added several podcasts and video courses to the platform. We continue to add services as novel technologies and opportunities emerge.

I should mention the recent release of our latest project. It is a free online video course designed to introduce anyone to upland bird hunting. The project was created in partnership with Pheasants Forever, Quail Forever, and several other partners. It is one of the largest projects I have ever been involved with and I am proud of how it turned out.

(Users can register and get free access to the video course at www.howtohuntuplandbirds.org.)

ON: Did you imagine it would get to where it is today? And is it where you want it to be?

Norquist: Modern Carnivore has gone through many twists and turns over the past decade-plus of service. I had a elementary vision to bring more people outdoors. We have accomplished many of our goals, introducing people across the country to the hook and ball lifestyle.

But there is so much more to do. I don’t know if I will ever be joyful with the way things are. I like to move on to the next goal or opportunity and keep improving.

ON: Is there an ideal candidate for the up-to-date carnivore – the type of person who could get the most out of it? Your target audience?

Norquist: Our ideal is an adult who loves eating good food and is curious about spending more time outdoors. This person usually has little or no experience hunting, fishing, or gathering. Curiosity and a spirit of adventure are very critical as we lead each person down a novel path and explore topics they have never explored before—like how to kill an animal.

We look at each issue honestly and respect each person’s background and the things that may be troubling them. Sometimes the journey is a little slower because the person needs time to process how they will engage with these timeless practices that are a completely novel part of their up-to-date lifestyle.

ON: What aspects and characteristics of your outdoor activities most resonate with the up-to-date carnivore?

Norquist: I love watching the universal reaction of someone coming to terms with their wild surroundings and finally “getting” the outdoors experience. It might happen while scouting a trail, casting a line, or butchering an animal. It’s different for each person. The shared experience of slowing down, listening, and looking at things that aren’t part of our daily routine can open people up to entirely novel experiences that can’t be replicated in other ways.

I love all aspects of the outdoors, in all seasons and conditions. I am a generalist and do not focus on one genre or method.

That said, my son has really taken an interest in duck hunting over the past few years, so I can see myself spending extra hours in the duck hide for years to come. While duck hunting often takes place in challenging conditions—frigid and humid—many novel hunters, like my son, are drawn to the sociability that comes with the experience.

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