Composer Carl Orff based Carmina Burana on twenty poems – but far from love odes, these verses deal with lust, gambling, drinking and the changing hand of fate (“O Fortuna!”). Artistic partner Dashon Burton and the Milwaukee Symphony Chorus lend their voices to this raunchy cantata. It pairs well with Orff’s epic poem “Fate Now Conquers” by Carlos Simon, which refers to Beethoven’s notebook entry and explores the “unpredictable paths of fate.” Between them, the MSO presents its own principal trombonist Megumi Kanda in Tan Dun’s “Three Muses in Video Games,” a bold and soulful concerto that challenges the trombonist to evoke three age-old Chinese musical instruments.
- Access via ramp
- Accessible by elevator
- Yes
Wheelchair access
- Access via ramp
- Accessible by elevator
Adaptive equipment available
- Yes
- Yes
Accommodation for the blind and visually impaired
- Yes
Accommodation for deaf and challenging of hearing people
- Yes
Sensory-friendly accommodation
- Yes
ADA compliant rooms
- Yes
ADA compliant bathrooms
- Yes
Service Animals Welcome
- Yes
A type of performing arts
- Music