Monday, March 3, 2025


Spider Web sugar cookies from Hip Foodie Mom

Spider Web sugar cookies from hip-hop foodie mom – Wisconsin Whisk Spider web sugar cookies Ingredients 2 cups of whole grain flour ½ teaspoon of baking powder ¼...

cranberry and pumpkin flavored muffins

Keeping cranberries fresh ensures you can enjoy Wisconsin's fruit all year round. Freezing cranberries is a practical method that allows you to ensure that you...

Rainbow Vegetable Tart from Amanda’s Cookin’

Rainbow Vegetable Tart with Amanda's Cookin' - Wisconsin Whisk Rainbow vegetable tart Ingredients ½ cup of ricotta cheese ¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese ¼ teaspoon each of salt...

Potato soup and southwestern steak soup

Potatoes are more than just a tasty side dish! Did you know that potatoes are a treasure trove of nutrients? They contain lots of...

Easy upside down sausage stuffing

Easy Upside Down Sausage Stuffing - Wisconsin Whisk Easy sausage stuffing Ingredients 1 14 oz bag Brownberry Sage & Onion Filling (not breadcrumbs!) 1 pound pork sausage 1...

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