Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Status Overview: Great news for lake sturgeon in Wisconsin

Great news on the sturgeon front early last week when the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced more than two months before the June...

Water levels are rising in the Wisconsin River flows

After a winter of record-low snowfall in the Northwoods, spring runoff has been restricted and water levels in many lakes, reservoirs and rivers have...

Wisconsin Natural Resources Board Approves Purchase of 93 Acres for $967,000

The Natural Resources Board (NRB) has approved the acquisition of 55 acres in southern Wisconsin and 37.7 acres in the north, all of which...

Who needs a boat? Anglers will find plenty of places to fish from the shore

Expensive boats and fancy electronics are nice, but they're not necessary when it comes to casting a line to fish. Take Wisconsin for example. ...

Sturgeon eggs in Wisconsin’s Wolf River attract curious onlookers

Margaret Stadig, chief sturgeon biologist for the Wisconsin DNR, doesn't mind getting up close to a 100-pound lake sturgeon as she and other members...

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