Sunday, March 9, 2025


Deep snow makes openers hard on the Brule River in Wisconsin

The Brule River flowing past the veranda in the morning delicate looked seductive. What's more, her supple grunts were nothing like the furious tirades...

Wisconsin NRB Chairman Bill Smith attends an open house in Douglas County, Washburn

Natural Resources Board (NRB) Chairman Bill Smith, a Washburn County resident, attended open houses in Douglas and Washburn counties as part of the spring...

Reader’s Story: Memories of smelt hunting in Frog Bay, Wisconsin

Every April it was the same. “You should go smelt hunting with us,” the guys said. “It's a good time.” “I'll think about it,” I...

Jig head color division for zander – video

When it comes to choosing walleye color, sometimes it doesn't seem to matter at all. But other times, choosing this color can be a...

Frosty Water, Balmy Bite: Early Season Walleye Tactics and Techniques

By nature, walleyes become very aggressive soon after the rigors of spawning season. Their strenuous work is over and they begin to seek recovery,...

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