Sunday, March 9, 2025


Wisconsin DNR, Natural Resources Board debate early muskie opening in northern zone

The DNR told Wisconsin Natural Resources Board members that the agency plans to send four statewide fishing questions that were included in the DNR's...

Red, White and Blue Gills: Take Your Kid Fishing This Memorial Day

Before you head out on your too-short Memorial Day vacation, grab a rod or two from the basement or garage as this is a...

The early season is a real bounty of bass

If you think you’re in shallow enough water, you’re probably still fishing too deep. I’ve caught countless bass this time of year within 6...

Walleye poaching in Wisconsin down compared to 2022

Preliminary data from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources indicates that Wisconsin's six Chippewa tribes took record low numbers of walleye this spring on...

Wisconsin Review: Reflections on the recent Natural Resources Board meeting and early muskie opening

I nearly fell out of my chair on Wednesday, May 24, as I listened to the Natural Resources Board (NRB) meeting via the DNR...

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