Monday, March 10, 2025


Discover the best places to spot pike-perch as summer turns from toasty to sizzling

They say that hindsight is crystal clear. That is, looking back at events that happened after the fact and then seeing the right course...

Catfish Filleting Instructions – Video

Some people still say they don't like catsup because they taste "muddy" or "fishy," but that's not true if you fillet them properly. Here's...

Wisconsin Fishing Report – June 26, 2023

Manitowoc County anglers continue to catch black and chum salmon, rainbow trout and lake trout in northern Lake Michigan.

What is the status of the muskie fishery in Wisconsin?

Not all proposals for fish and wildlife rule changes that receive public support at spring hearings in Wisconsin make it to the final rule...

Every Picture Tells a Story, Part II

When we last met here, I was describing some black-and-white photos from the early 1950s.

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