Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Here’s what to do if you injure a turkey this season

Turkeys are tough. While a well-placed shot from a bow or shotgun can easily take down even the baddest longbeard around, that's not...

Summary of the first day of opening of the Wisconsin gun deer season

The nine-day opening day of Wisconsin's gun deer season is different from other DNR game warden days, including diminutive game hunting, May fishing and...

Useful tips for all trappers: preparing for the next season

I've been trapping for almost 60 years and have made every tackle mistake in the book - and some of them have never been...

How to hunt kitties on an insect-rich diet

The main reason why first-season turkeys are generally easier to kill is that they are often confined to their target food source.

Dean Bortz: The deer problem in Bayfield County, Wisconsin is the same as other northern counties

Attending a meeting of the Bayfield County Deer Advisory Committee in Washburn, Wisconsin on the night of April 23 made me wonder why we...

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