Monday, February 3, 2025


15-year-old Forrest Grassel from Wisconsin wins the Musky Open National Championship

Forrest Grassel, 15, of Seymour, Wis., was the top angler, and Pete LaBorde of Stratford was the lucky ticket holder to the 38th annual...

Patrick Durkin: Hunting camp legends, the memories are rich

As you walk through the deceased's hunting camp, every glance and every step seems to bring back elderly stories, memories and unasked questions from...

Patrick Durkin: Hunting camp legends, the memories are bright

As you walk through the deceased's hunting camp, every glance and every step seems to bring back antique stories, memories and unasked questions from...

Wisconsin Mixed Bag: Many hunting seasons begin in September

Madison - September sees the start of multiple hunting seasons on six different dates, starting on September 1, when the mourning dove, early teal...

State Summary: Wisconsin DNR budget audit on tap

Wisconsin athletes will see a DNR budget audit regardless. Senator Rob Stafsholt (R-New Richmond) succeeded in seeking such action on Thursday, August 29, when...

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