Monday, December 23, 2024


Wisconsin Mixed Bag: Many hunting seasons begin in September

Madison - September sees the start of multiple hunting seasons on six different dates, starting on September 1, when the mourning dove, early teal...

State Summary: Wisconsin DNR budget audit on tap

Wisconsin athletes will see a DNR budget audit regardless. Senator Rob Stafsholt (R-New Richmond) succeeded in seeking such action on Thursday, August 29, when...

Dean Bortz: Let’s remove Thanksgiving from Wisconsin’s deer season

This is a purely personal and selfish suggestion that I only make because I think I'm getting cynical, crass and aged - the aged...

Wisconsin Hunting Days recruit novel hunters locally and internationally

The Bloomington Area Sports Club of Wisconsin and local landowners hosted a Grant County Outdoor Sports Alliance (GCOSA) pheasant hunting education day on October...

Comment: The Wisconsin DNR Office of Communications is failing in its responsibilities to the outdoor public

The definition of communication is "the sending and receiving of information between groups face-to-face or through communication devices." It's not complicated, so my question is...

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