Friday, June 21, 2024
HomeTravel DestinationsCross County Skiing

Cross County Skiing

13 places to ski, snowboard in Wisconsin

Love it or hate it, the winter season has already begun. Here's the upside: the best way to get through the long, cool...

Skijoring in Wisconsin: Dog-Affable Winter Adventures

Skijoring is a winter sport combining cross-country skiing with dog sled racing. You provide power with skis and poles, while...

Winter trail lodging in Wisconsin

Wisconsin is the most popular snowmobiling destination in the Midwest. The largest and most prestigious cross-country skiing marathon in the country also takes...

5 Wisconsin ski trails perfect for hiking when there’s no snow

If you're a cross-country skier in Wisconsin, winters with little snow will be disappointing.For pedestrians, however, the lack of snow means that trails reserved...

Many opportunities for cross-country skiers

RIB MOUNTAIN - Whether you're gliding through the tranquil forest or racing through a competition, cross-country skiing is a popular winter recreation activity in...

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