Sunday, February 23, 2025

December Member of the Month: Otehlia Cassidy

Meet our member of the month, Otehlia Cassidy,

blogger, Madison Eats.

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What was your original motivation for starting a blog? What motivates you?

My original motivation for starting the blog was to share stories and recipes that inspired me and allowed me to connect with people during my travels. During these trips, I experienced so much personal growth and connection with humanity, myself and others, especially when sharing meals or learning to cook. Now my blog focuses more locally on Madison and the partners I work with. I think they inspire me in a similar way; they are passionate about what they cook or create and connect with others through food. I feel inspired by this passion and want to share it with others through my trips and blog.

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Well, one meal. This is complex. Can I say tacos? I think it really covers a hearty range of flavors and ingredients. My favorite taco is grilled fish with avocado, pico, pickled onion and cilantro.

What was your biggest culinary disaster?

This is kind of stupid, but in my house they are eminent for burning bacon. I get sidetracked and it has to be crispy within that minute and I forget to take out the bacon and it burns.

Holiday cooking usually leaves us with leftovers! What’s your favorite leftover meal from huge holiday meals?

I love stuffing and can always reach for a plate of leftover turkey, stuffing and sauce.

How to stay sane during a Wisconsin winter?

I used to love winter very much, but as an adult it’s becoming harder and harder for me to enjoy it (shoveling, shoveling snow, outerwear strewn all over the floor:). I try to encourage my kids to go outside, which usually means I have to go outside too. When I get out, I’m always content. I love fresh snow, the silence of a winter day and sledding. And when we get back, we’ll have a scorching drink.

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