Saturday, September 28, 2024

Louisiana joins the Constitutional Carry Club in 2024. Louisiana joins the Constitutional CarryClub in 2024.


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Louisiana, shown as looming (blue) over the Gulf of Mexico,
between Texas and Mississippi, will have its own Constitution
The portability law comes into force on July 4, 2024.

Dean Weingarten. March 11, 2024

On March 5, 2024, Governor Landry of Louisiana signed into law SB 1, Constitutional Transfer, now known as Act 1. The novel law will go into effect on July 4, 2024. Constitutional Transfer is one of the eleven interconnected criminal statutesdesigned to reduce crime in Louisiana. All eleven bills were passed in a special session on crime called by Governor Landry

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SB 2 is another crime reform bill. SB 2 limits the liability of a person who reasonably uses a handgun in self-defense. It provides immunity from civil liability for damages caused by personal injury, death or loss suffered by the perpetrator. Eleven criminal statutes are listed below. All eleven acts were signed on March 5, 2024.

• SB 1: Constitutional transfer
• SB 2: Concealed carry permit immunity
• HB 3: Expanding access to drug courts
• HB 4: Post-conviction reform
• SB 5: Pardon and Parole Reform
• HB 6: Justice for victims
• SB 7: Penalties for driving under the influence
• SB 9: Protection from criminal penalties for rape
• HB 9: Probation and parole violations
• HB 10: Truth in Judgment
• HB 11: Offender rehabilitation

Constitutional carry, as exemplified by Louisiana’s SP1, includes an exemption for persons prohibited under state or federal law from carrying firearms. ……

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