Monday, March 10, 2025

Outdoor Insights: A up-to-date nonprofit organization, the Outdoor News Foundation, dedicated to creating lifelong outdoor enthusiasts

At Outdoor News we have an electrifying up-to-date project that we started at the end of 2024: Outdoor News Foundation.

You’ve been reading about it for years decline in sales of hunting and fishing licenses and the implications for the future of natural resource management, not to mention the potential loss of outdoor entertainment we hold dear. It’s a culture unique to this country and damn well worth fighting to preserve.

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Legions of good people are indeed working to stem this tide through various programs. Countless outdoor mentoring efforts expose teenage people to nature or established sporting activities through one-off clinics or events. The kids have an experience, take a photo, and then go back to their lives of youth sports and video games.

Our philosophy with this up-to-date nonprofit is to take it a step further: outdoor mentorship requires more than a four-hour fishing competition or a one-time adolescent wild turkey hunt. It requires knowledge and immersion in the American outdoor scene.

The Outdoor News Foundation aims to create old-school connections that last a lifetime: with information and dollars. Donations to this nonprofit organization will support scholarships for students enrolled in collegiate fish and wildlife biology programs, environmental science centers and outdoor journalism programs.


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Plus, there’s no better connection to the outdoor lifestyle than owning one Outdoor news delivered to your mailbox or email inbox every week. Knowledge is power, and the content of this newspaper has connected many generations.

Outdoor news it was and remains a forum where hunting, fishing and conservation culture express compassion and chart a path forward. Our goal is to expand this community to a up-to-date generation of youth.

In 2018, this operation was launched Junior Pro Team. Over the years, over 9,100 children have signed up – teenage people who often inform about their successes through photos on the website JPT Instagram page and other social media platforms.

Some of them subscribe Outdoor newsbut many of these children come from single-family or lower-income households who cannot afford a print or digital subscription to any media. This up-to-date foundation will fund subscriptions for these children and others so that they become lasting members of our outdoor community.

How can you assist? First, learn more about the Outdoor News Foundation on our website. You can nominate a teenage person for Foundation subscriptions or scholarships through this website.

No one to nominate? You too I can donate to finance contributions or scholarships for teenage people. A donation of $25 covers a teenage person for a year, but any donation is appreciated. If you are a subscriber whose hunting spouse recently passed away, please consider leaving a legacy by paying the remaining subscription amount forward so that youth can enjoy digital access to our content.

Larger personal and corporate donations are also welcome. Make one through the website or call our office at 763-546-4251.

Leaders and politicians from natural resource agencies regularly plan to find up-to-date mechanisms for financing natural resources. This usually involves higher fees or more taxes.

After decades of covering the outdoor scene, Outdoor news suggests a different path: Grow your base. Recruit the next generation and make them license buyers and equipment issuers (read: excise tax payers). Anyone reading this has seen the decline in the number of hunters and anglers in the field. The Outdoor News Foundation asks you to pass on your legacy to the hunters and anglers of tomorrow by making a donation in 2024.

Help us advance the unique American outdoor heritage that we hold so dear.

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