Friday, February 7, 2025

Report: Sale of a license for hunting in the USA in 2022–23 reflects a tiny decline

Washington, DC – The Council to advance to hunting and shooting sports in cooperation with Southwick Associates He recently published an annual report on the sale of hunting licenses, revealing a relatively constant trend in the 2022-2023 license year.

According to the report, over 80% of participating countries have experienced changes by 5% or less in the sale of hunting licenses compared to the previous year.

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At the beginning of 2021, the Council conducted a comprehensive study of the State Fauna 19 Pandemic State Agencies.

However, when Pandemia expanded to the second year, 2021 led 1.9% of overall sales, despite the constant demand for outdoor activities, especially among non -residents.

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The Council returned to the study at the beginning of 2023 to track trends in the sale of hunting licenses for the 2022-2023 license year. The arrangements indicated a drop in sales by a 3.1% compared to the year 2020-2021. However, the latest report from 2022-2023 showed a much smaller decrease in only 0.3% in 47 states that participated in the Council’s study, which suggests stabilizing participation indicators.

The key arrangements from the report 2022-2023 include:

• overall decrease in the sale of a license for hunting by 0.3% compared to 2021-2022, while the sale of residents dropped by 0.2% and sales of non-resident by 0.6%;

• 51% of 47 reporting states have recorded an boost in the sale of licenses;

• in the Central West region there was a slight boost in sales by 1.0%, while the north -east regions, south -east and western regions dropped from 0.6%to 2.1%;

• Monthly sales differed throughout the year, with significant boost in March, May, August, October, November and December.

The Council report suggests further R3 initiatives to maintain and develop the hunting community. Analyzing trends and responding to changes, the council aims to support the hunting community and ensure a sustainable future of activity.

The full report is available On the Council website.


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