Monday, February 24, 2025

Status Update: Wanted: 96- and 102-Year-Aged Wisconsin Deer Hunters

Our veteran outdoors reporter Tim Eisele shared some engaging information he gleaned from the DNR’s deer season report presented at the February 28 Natural Resources Board meeting.

A total of 569 Wisconsin deer hunters over the age of 90 purchased a seasonal license to hunt deer. The oldest man was 102, and the oldest woman was 96.

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If any of our readers know one of these 569 deer hunters, please pass on the congratulations of everyone here Wisconsin Outdoor News world headquarters. I sure as hell hope I’m still buying deer hunting licenses at 102 years ancient.

I don’t know what my chances are, considering some mornings I wake up and feel like I’m 102, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed. If by any chance you know a 102-year-old man or 96-year-old woman who would mind having their story featured on our pages, please email me at [email protected].

They must have great hunting stories. I almost wonder if I know this 96-year-old deer hunter. I know my dad’s sister, my aunt Wynette Obernberger, was still deer hunting a few years ago, but I don’t think she’s 96 yet. Just look, this story will come from my own backyard.


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WISCONSIN DNR COOPERATES WITH THE NATIONAL WILD TURKEY FEDERATION (NWTF) and Wisconsin are volunteering to conduct a statewide research project to determine nest/brood productivity and survival, according to Taylor Finger of the DNR. The project is just getting started, but we have a reporter on this story who will be reporting to our readers as things develop.

“Over the next few years, we’ll be installing (combination) VHF/GPS backpack transmitters on hens before they start nesting,” Finger said. “That will allow us to track them daily throughout the breeding and brood-rearing season. We’ll also be placing wing tags at several locations in Wisconsin where there are large numbers of Snap Shot Wisconsin trail cameras. Part of the goal of this project is to develop a visibility correction factor for trail cameras to see if we can use the images to count and determine brood size and survival success.”

“Thanks to VHF/GPS transmitters, we can visually see how many chicks a hen has on a given day. Then, if the same hen – we can recognize it by the tag on the wing – walks in front of the surveillance camera, we can compare our results with the number of chicks found in the photo,” Finger said. “If we can collect a large enough sample, it will help us understand whether using trail camera images could be a viable method of determining brood survival and, ultimately, productivity. We will also collect data on behavior, habitat use, movement, etc. through the transmitters.”

We will keep readers informed about the start of the project.

AS A DISCUSSION OF THE WAKE BOAT RULES moving forward, it might be a good idea to include river recreation in these conversations, as Mike Arrowood recently pointed out.

Municipal authorities have the right to regulate the apply of boats on lakes. This may or may not be a problem, depending on the size of the lake and the number of municipalities bordering the lake.

Rivers add a completely different dimension to this issue. The Wolf River itself has 150 km of water from Poygan Lake to Shawano Dam. How many municipalities and city attorneys do you have to deal with when considering the wording of city river ordinances?

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