Monday, March 3, 2025

What do I need to legally ride Wisconsin snowmobile trails?

Snow has arrived in most of Wisconsin and the trails are opening up!! Yippee, One of the most popular questions we receive every day when the trails are open is, “What do I need to legally ride the Wisconsin Snowmobile Trail?” The three things you need to apply public snowmobile trails in Sauk County are a registered snowmobile, a state pass, and if you were born after January 1, 1985, you need a certificate of completion of a snowmobile safety class. It’s great to have a whole host of other things that will make for an enjoyable snowmobile trip; A good snowmobile (Gateway Powersports can assist with this), properly fitted snowmobile equipment, a map or informed guide, a good, positive attitude!

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Wisconsin recently introduced a state pass requirement in addition to snowmobile registration (required for all snowmobiles). It’s best to apply for the rest of these items 21 days before your snowmobile trip, but you can purchase them online and apply your receipt as short-lived proof. If you find yourself in this situation, be prepared to be stopped by local law enforcement or the DNR, as your trail pass and registration will not be apparent if you pass them on the trail. If you were born after January 1, 1985, you also need proof of your snowmobile safety class.

  • Pass trail | In addition to registration, you may need a Wisconsin snowmobile pass. This pass allows you to apply designated snowmobile trails and is required for non-residents and residents who are not members of a snowmobile club. Trail passes can be purchased online or from authorized retailers.
  • Registration | Your snowmobile must be registered with the Wisconsin DNR. You will receive a registration sticker that should be placed on your snowmobile. Check your registration and obtain a recent registration here
  • Snowmobile safety class | Snowmobile operators must meet age and licensing requirements. Generally, you must be at least 12 years aged to operate a snowmobile on public roads, and if you were born after January 1, 1985, you need a snowmobile safety certificate. find Snowmobile safety class in your area

What do I need to snowmobile in Wisconsin?

Wisconsin snowmobile registration sticker

Types of snowmobile registration

All snowmobiles stored in Wisconsin for more than 15 consecutive days must be registered in Wisconsin unless a registration exemption applies. Display – Unless there is an exception, your snowmobile must display a current registration sticker and must be clearly apparent on both sides of the hood.

  • Wisconsin public registration (most common)
  • Private registration in Wisconsin
  • Wisconsin Antique Registration
  • Registration of non-residents

The most common registration is the Wisconsin public registration.

Be sure to check with the Wisconsin DNR or your local snowmobile club for the most up-to-date information on state snowmobile regulations. . Gateway Powersports is your local association Sauk County Snowmobile Clubs Gateway Powersports is a designated park and ride area. Ditch your trails and ride our pretty trails, stop at Broncos for lunch and a frigid drink after a great day of riding.

Gateway Powersports has all your needs for snowmobile parts, oils, belts, carbides, helmets. Central Wisconsin-based Gateway Powersports offers over 50,000 quality-tested used ATV, UTV and snowmobile parts. We ship ATV, UTV and snowmobile parts all over the United States every day. Visit our eBay store or call the store to place your order

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