Outdoor enthusiasts fortunate to see one of Wisconsin’s whitetail deer fawns, born between delayed April and July, are reminded by state wildlife officials to enjoy the wildlife view from afar for the fawn’s safety.
Fawns have already started to be born this year. If you see a fawn in the wild, leave it alone and its mother will return to care for it.
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DNR Wildlife Biologist Dianne Robinson said the fawn’s mother is nearby, but out of sight of observers.
“Spring is when well-meaning people discover fawns alone, mistakenly believe they are in trouble and take unneeded action that may harm the animal,” Robinson said. “A fawn’s best chance for survival is with its mother.”
Robinson also serves as chairman of the multi-agency Keep Wildlife Wild committee.
“Deer moms care for and protect their young differently than human mothers,” Robinson said of the state’s official wild animal. “It is normal for deer mothers to leave their fawns unattended because keeping fawns hidden and alone is actually an adaptation to protect them from predators. As long as the mother does not detect nearby threats, she will return occasionally to feed her fawns or move them to new hiding places.”
Robinson said her best advice to spring callers concerned about fawns is plain: “Leave the fawn where it is. Do not touch the fawn, as its lack of scent is one of its natural protectors.”
Is it strenuous to know if a deer fawn is truly in need of support?
“Absolutely,” Robinson said. “We do understand people want to help and that’s a wonderful sentiment. However, to really help, remember that a healthy fawn’s best chance for survival is with its mother. Do not touch or feed the fawn. Call a licensed wildlife rehabilitator right away to help you decide if a particular fawn needs help.”
For more details, visit the DNR’s Keep Wildlife Wild webpage on the DNR’s website, dnr.wi.gov, by searching keyword “Keep Wildlife Wild.”

• Joe’s Clays and Guns recently wrapped up its 5-stand league.
In Division I, first place and top overall high gun went to Joe Hardage with a 46.8 average.
In Division II, first place went to Kent Beeman with a 42.25 average.

The top team in Division I was Gasman and in Division II was Tower Tavern.
• Northeast Wisconsin Youth Shooting Program, Inc., will hold the first trap shoot of the year June 8 at the Maribel Sportsmen’s Club.
Shooting will be from 4 p.m. and go until each youngster has had a chance to shoot a round.
Kids ages 10-18 will receive a free round of trap and a free box of shells to shoot the round.
A parent must accompany the youngster on the first shoot to sign the necessary paperwork.
Maribel Sportsmen’s Club is next to Interstate 43, exit 164, State Highway 147, Maribel.
• The not-for-profit Howards Grove Rod and Gun Club will host its 29th annual Wilderness Shoot and Brat Fry from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday at the club’s grounds and trap range.
Past participants have enjoyed the “grouse between the trees” shoot-offs and other angles designed to challenge even the best shots in this park-like setting.
Not only is this merchandise trap shoot a lot of fun for shooters, it’s also fun for the whole family, so bring ’em along to participate (or just watch) and enjoy the brat fry, grilled chicken breasts, burgers and assorted beverages.
Raffle opportunities abound during this event in the “wilderness” just north of Howards Grove.
Take-outs are available, but stay to enjoy the fun in a wilderness setting.
The club’s grounds/trap range is at N9548 Meadowlark Road, which is about a mile west of State 42, midway between Orchard Road and County Line Road. You’ll find Orchard Road about 3 miles north of Howards Grove with signs to guide you.
• Westshore Sportsman’s Club is offering a $500 scholarship. To be eligible, you must be a member, child of a member, or a grandchild of a member of the Westshore Sportsman’s Club and have completed your second year of college by June 30.
Applications can be obtained by contacting Mike Casebeer at 920-553-1255. Applications must be returned or postmarked by June 30.
• Manitowoc County Fish and Game Protective Association will be providing four $1,000 scholarships for the 2017-2018 school year.
To be eligible, students must be entering their junior or senior year of college.
Two of the four scholarships will be awarded to students pursuing a career in conservation or environmental studies, and the other two will be awarded to the best qualified.
Scholarship applications can be obtained by visiting the Manitowoc County Fish and Game website at www.mantyfg.org/ and clicking on the “Scholarships” link, or by contacting Dan Dufek at 920-860-4933.
The deadline to return completed applications is June 15.
That’s it for this week, so have fun in the great outdoors.
Bob Schuh: 920-682-3106 or [email protected].