Saturday, February 8, 2025

Wisconsin DNR warns against changing ice conditions when Sturgeon Spearing starts this weekend

Wisconsin DNR announced on Friday that the recent temperature fluctuations caused rapidly changing ice conditions in many parts of the state.

DNR guards reacted to several recreational vehicles passing through ice. DNR has already recorded Six UTV fatal incidents in 2025.With four with UTVs passing through ice. There was also one Snow scooter mortality related to ice.

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Together with Sturgeon Spearing, this weekend and other popular fishing classes in full bloom in Wisconsin’s Lakes and Rivers, DNR encourages society to review Ice safety tips Before entering the water.

Sturgeon Spearing on the Lake Winnebago System opens this Saturday, February 8. (Photo of Wisconsin DNR)
Information about the sturgeon season

The Sturgeon Spearing season will be opened on Saturday, February 8 in the Winnebago system.

Thanks to one of the largest populations of Lake Sturgeon in North America, the Winnebago system supports the annual spear season, which lasts a maximum of 16 days (closes on February 23) or until the previously specific hats of the collection.

This year’s collections are:

If any harvest hat is met earlier, the closure notification will be published on DNR System Sturgeon System Winnebago System and sent to subscribers of the DNR Sturgeon Spearing update E -mail list.

Season forecasts

The is the is usually partly dictated by the brightness of water and ice conditions on the lakes up and Lake Winnebago.

This year’s assessments indicate destitute water transparency, which can lead to a long spear season at Winnebago Lake. DNR does not check the brightness of water on the lakes up the river, but due to their plate water, the brightness is usually not the main factor in predicting the harvest in these waters.

Spearers will be able to find the season forecast and daily updates of collections on the subject System Sturgeon System Winnebago System Ie -Mail.

More sturgeon range from outdoor messages:

Don’t Blink: The annual Jesiotra Michigan season on Black Lake ends in 17 minutes

Good news for Wisconsin Sturgeon Spearers: Lake Winnebago “Bloodworm” the highest density since 2019

Wisconsin DNR publishes 2025 Sturgeon Spearing regulations before the opener on February 8

Registration information

DNR reminds Spearers that after a successful feeling of sturgeon official registration station And the spear must be in the queue at 14.00 on the day it was attacked.

Each sturgeon collected from the Winnebago lake must be registered at one of the registration stations at Winnebago Lake, and every sturgeon collected from Upriver lakes (Lakes Poygan, Butte des Morts or WinneConne) must be registered at one of the Upriver Lake Registration Stations.

Check 2025 Sturgeon Regulations For details.

Stay unthreatening

Spearers and viewers are reminded that no ice is 100% unthreatening. Contact local fishing clubs and protection groups for local ice conditions.

Get tips on ice safety from DNR Ice safety website.

Share your spear experience

DNR is looking for Photos of the spear season for communication efforts and assist. Photos to cut, shanties of life, hooks or other part of the spear tradition are encouraged.


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