Madison – The Natural Resources Board (NRB) will meet at 8:30 on Wednesday, January 22, in the Public Conference Hall G09, State Natural Resources Building (GEF 2), 101 South Webster Street, Madison, when the members of the Management Board are expected to be expected They will take action for the amounts of the Black Bear collection of 2025 and a possible change in the rule prohibiting the possession of firearms during fishing.
It is also expected that NRB members will receive updates from Southwest Wisconsin CWD, Deer and Predator Research Team and from the DNR DEER director, Jeff Pritzl about the process Changing the boundaries of the deer management unit In the part of the region of the North Forest and the Central Forest region.
It is also expected that the Management Board will accept a donation of USD 61 260 from the Natural Resources Foundation in Wisconsin, which will be used in the spread of natural areas Eagle Barrens, Northern Highlands-American Legion State Forest and Lodi Marsh Wildlife Area.
Society can take part in the meeting or watch IT on YouTube channel DNR.
More information from Wisconsin Outdoor News:
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Wisconsin Bear Cume, Deer Unit Map for Board Natural Resources Board
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Wild deer Positive for CWD in Chippewa Co.
Madison – DNR confirmed the first positive test result for a chronic devastating disease (CWD) in the wild jelen in Chippewa. 1-year-old Buck, a hunter, was shot within 10 miles from the borders of Barron and Dunn.
Chippewa’s unit will renew a three -year ban on baits and nutrition, and the Barron’s Fountain will renew a two -year ban. Dunn’s county has a three -year ban on previous positive detection.
DNR and the Clinic Advisory Council will conduct a public meeting at 18:30 on Thursday, February 6, in order to provide information about CWD in Wisconsin and local tests. The meeting will take place in the Court of Chippewa, room 003, 711 North Bridge Street, and Chippewa Falls.
Wisconsin Sci chapter Grand Banquet February 14-15 at Brookfield Conference Center
Brookfield, Wis.-Wisconsin Safari Club International Banquet will take place on February 14-15 at the Brookfield Conference Center and is open to Wisconsin SCI members and their guests. The banquet is also open to the audience on Saturday, February 15, from 10 am to 15:00 without admission fee.
The banquet is the largest collection of money in the state chapter, with over 70% of influence invested in educational, training and sports programs in the south -eastern Wisconsin. The exhibition hall will be filled with international, domestic and local expressors, guides, taximagers, wildlife artists and specialists in sports equipment specialists.
New this year is Hunters aged 15-21, on Saturday, February 15, he can bring his racks or photos from Biała in Wisconsin and register for an event in white youth to receive a souvenir badge and be introduced to the lottery for external equipment and prizes.
The door will be open from 15:30 to 21:00 on Friday, February 14, and from 16 to 11:00 on Saturday, February 15. The audience can participate for free from 10:00 to 15:00 February 15.
Wild deer Positive for CWD in Co.
Madison-DNR confirmed the first positive test result for a chronic devastating disease (CWD) in Dziki Jeleń in manitowo-binding-binding to the hunter of 1-year-old zloty south of the Valders area and at a distance of 10 miles from Calmet and Calumet and Sheboygan poviats. The state ban on lures and nutrition will come into force for the Manitowo Fumors on February 1, although the Ferry of Long -term Local Regulation prohibiting deer feeding.
The Calumet’s Ferry will renew a two -year ban on lures and feeding, which already exists. Sheboygan’s unit has a three -year ban on bait and feeding for positive detection in the county, so this detection will not affect Sheboygan’s Embarrassment.
DNR and the Council of Deer Deer Flams will lead a public meeting on Tuesday at 18:00, 4 February, in Woodland Dunes Nature Center, 3000 Hawthorne Ave., Two Rivers.
DNR State Park design design competition is already open to high school students
Madison-Dnr accepts entries in works of art from high school students for a 12-month Wisconsin Park and Forest Vehicle Absmission Pass. Entries should focus on outdoor recreation, animals or plants in Wisconsin.
“Along with the transition to a 12-month party pass, we are excited to see what creativity is generated by high school students throughout the state. This is a great opportunity for students to combine their artistic passion and interest in natural resources, “said Steve Schmelzer, DNR Parks and Recreation Management Bureau.
Students may submit applications by April 30. Rules, guidelines for applications, tips on the winning project and the winner with previous stickers are Website of the DNR design competition.
DNR organizing five jobs in the area
Madison – DNR will be the host of the five work fairs at Eau Claire, Oshkosh, Milwaukee, Fitchburg and Woodruff
January 18. Participants will have the opportunity to examine the field of natural resources and learn how to consist of the Internet when modern jobs appear. People of all ages and origin can participate.
DNR employs a enormous working force throughout the state and has work in the field of natural resources, environmental sciences, engineering, law enforcement agencies, business, customer service, IT and administrative support, with various full -time and narrow positions.
The work fair is set for: Eau Claire, Saturday, January 18, 10:00 to 15:00; Oshkosh, Friday, January 24, 16–19; Milwaukee: Saturday, January 25, 10 am until 14:00; Fitchburg: Saturday, January 25, 11:00 to 14:00; and Woodruff, Wednesday, February 5, 14–19