Sunday, February 23, 2025

Wisconsin Mixed Bag: Topic on recreation access on federal lands at May 13 Hayward subcommittee hearing

Hayward, Wis. – Rep. USA Tom Tiffany (R-Wisconsin) will host a field hearing of the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Natural Resources in Hayward on Monday, May 13, titled “Improving Access to and Opportunities for Hunting, Fishing and Outdoor Recreation on America’s Federal Lands ” Tiffany chairs the federal lands subcommittee.

Some of those who will testify include state Sen. Rob Stafsholt (R-New Richmond), Henry Schienebeck of the Great Lakes Association of Timber Professionals, Luke Hilgemann of the International Order of T. Roosevelt and Duane Taylor of the Recreational Off-Road Vehicle Association.

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Tiffany will be joined by subcommittee members U.S. Rep. Pete Stauber (Minn.) and U.S. Rep. Mike Collins (Ga.). Other committee members may also participate in the meeting.

The hearing will start at 2:00 p.m Steakhouse and Lodge, 15860 T Bone Lane, Hayward. The hearing will be broadcast live.


Wakeboats dominate spring auditions in Wisconsin; look at how voters answered key questions

A Wisconsin judge dismisses a lawsuit challenging the state’s novel wolf management plan

Jumbo bass are growing in the waters of the Mississippi River in Minnesota/Wisconsin

Fall moose quotas, CWD update on deck for May 22 NRB meeting in Madison

Madison – The Natural Resources Board (NRB) will meet in person on Wednesday, May 22 to consider proposed regulatory documents and land donations. The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. in conference room G09, National Natural Resources Building (GEF2), 101 South Webster Street in Madison.

The meeting can be watched by the public on the DNR YouTube channel.

The deadline for registering public speaking requests and submitting written comments is Wednesday, May 15, at 11:00 a.m. Public testimony given remotely via Zoom may be accepted. Personal public appearances are also welcome.

Issues the board will consider include: proposed rules for statewide materials recycling and effective recycling programs; several donations of money and equipment from groups of friends; land donation and boundary expansion for Richard Bong State Recreation Area in Kenosha County; land donation to Cross Plains State Park Ice Age National Scenic Preserve in Dane County; update of elk herds and quotas for the fall elk season; and 2023 CWD season update.

DNR announces volunteer hunter education instructors and group of the year

Madison – The DNR announced its 2023 hunter education program awards as part of National Volunteer Appreciation Week and National Volunteer Month. Winners are nominated by peers, community members or DNR staff and selected based on their public service and commitment to promoting sheltered, responsible and ethical hunting practices.

Jesse Schultz of the Waupaca area was selected as the DNR Hunter Education Instructor of the Year. Schultz is an 11-year volunteer instructor known for his passion for providing excellent programming and always ready to add on if needed.

Jacob Timm is an agriculture teacher at Gillett High School. Timm was named the DNR Archery Education Instructor of the Year. He motivates his hunting safety graduates to become junior instructors. In addition to teaching the basics of sheltered hunting, Timm helps his students develop leadership skills.

Wisconsin Rapids area hunter safety crews have been recognized as the DNR Hunter Education Group of the Year. This group has been teaching classes for 20 years, certifying students in hunter safety and archery. This group, led by Ron Winker and the tardy Kevin Miller, has certified more than 2,900 students over the years. Other instructors include Jim Winker, Jeff Wetterau, Dan Fara, David Glinicki, Barry Meister, Tashi Weigel, Loni Weigel, Jack Konkel, Mike McElroy, Dan Symmank, John Schaub, Joe Lacenski and Brianna Havitz.

Volunteer instructors are an integral part of the state’s hunter education program, providing approximately 40,000 hours of instruction and certification annually to students of all ages. Since 1967, over 20,000 volunteers have certified over a million hunters.

DNR Furbearer Advisory Committee meeting in Woodruff on May 29-20

Woodruff, Wis. – The Wisconsin DNR’s Fur Animal Advisory Committee will meet May 29-30 at the Kemp Natural Resources Station in Woodruff to discuss policy and technical issues relevant to the state’s fur farming program.

The meeting begins at noon on Monday, May 29, with in-person and virtual options available. Contact program leader Shawn Rossler at [email protected] or (608) 225-2663 for Microsoft Teams login and registration information.

The Kemp Natural Resources Station is located at 9161 Kemp Road in Woodruff, on the shores of Lake Tomahawk.

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