Woodruff, Wis. – Hunting for deer and Wisconsin has long been related.
For years, especially in the north, closing schools and companies in the November season of deer hunting was more a fact than legend. Fans participating in Green Bay Packers on Lambeau Field in November traditionally wear their Orange Orange Folling to remain hot. The Buffalo Fine Country in the southwestern part of the state is the highest count for trophies than any other in the country. Even a professional state basketball team is known as “Bucks”.
While the hunt for deer in Wisconsin is pink on the surface, there is trouble at the north level of poviats. The numbers of deer have fallen sharply over the past 20 years.
Each autumn, fewer hunters are gathered in customary hunting camps, and many camps are closing. Those who still Hunt “Up North” can see the influence in compact towns, where the signs of “welcome hunters”, which were once so common in restaurants and gas stations, are almost non -existent today.
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In December last year, less than a month after the end of what many turned out to be another frustrating deer season, the legislators from Wisconsin organized hearing sessions in Solon Springs, Woodruff and Barron, so that hunters who could throw away their frustrations. These meetings attracted crowds only in a standing room.
Wisconsin Outdoor News He examined what was happening to the herd of deer in the north, and the created series is starting with the current edition. You can Read the first part of the series HERE -a good interview with Jeff Pritzl, a specialist in the Wisconsin DNR deer program. The second part of the series focusing on Bayfield and Douglas’s Fun You can read here.
The series is targeted at customary deer Douglas, Bayfield, Ashland, Price, Sawyer, Iron, Vilas, Oneida, Forest and Florence, which mostly amount to the northern limit of state.
Over the past 15 years, the cumulative murder in these 10 poviats has dropped by 44% (counting pistol, bow, crossbow and seasons of deer muzzles) compared to the previous 15 years.
Kill in the Iron County Faithy fell by as much as 66%. Tags without antlers have been reduced as a result of a spiral murder of a zloty, and the murder without antlers in these poviats fell by 72%. In three poviats – Forest, Vilas and Iron – a murder without antlers fell by more than 80%.
In brief, meat poles have been quite delicate in northern deer camps in recent years.
Won He interviewed the hunters Public and private land, company owners, recorder, members of the Congress of Protection, retired biologist DNR Wildlife, former forester of DNR, who currently works as a private forester, as well as a specialist in the deer program of the Wisconsin (DNR) Pritzl Department of Natural Resources. Won he tried to interview individual biologists of wild nature, but the DNR communication office entered and canceled interviews and allowed only written answers to questions asked by Won.
Won also crunchy deer numbers for each of the poviats with Deer metric system on the DNR websiteand also from Councils of County. Won I looked at the murders of the county and murder without antlers for the last 15 years (2009-23) and compared them with the previous 15 years (1994-2008) when the numbers were the highest.
Out of curiosity, we also compared the murder of Buck over the last 15 years compared to 15 years (1979–1993) in front of record herds, and found numbers very similar in most poviats. So yes Won I looked at the killings of deer in every unit, reaching 45 years.
We have learned that hunters are largely afraid of the future because they see that their hunting tradition is sneaking and feel helpless to stop it. All blame the gigantic number of predators, and when the wolves have increased four times in the last 20 years (according to the minimum number of DNR), many indicate them with a finger.
The point is that the number of wolves significantly exceeded the purpose of removing the Act on endangered species, the lawsuits brought by animal rights groups mostly maintained wolves under the federal protection coat.
DNR biologists argue, however, that the causes of the smaller number of deer are many and complicated, and include decreasing habitats and changing Hunter demographic data, and not just a response to today’s predators.